AOSIS supports the sustainable development goal dedicated to marine resources, oceans and seas

2014-05-05 AOSIS Download PDF

Topic: Sustainable Development

I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island
States (AOSIS).
On Focus Area 13, allow me to firstly congratulate and thank the Co-Chairs for
prominently reflecting oceans and seas for consideration as a thematic Goal. We
believe we are at a critical point in this process and therefore pleased to speak
and support this focus area.
On the targets we would like to elaborate on proposed with the following points:
b) Take immediate action to, restore and protect marine ecosystems,
including by halting and preventing ocean acidification and by adopting
measures necessary to enhance ocean scientific information.
c) Take immediate action to maintain or restore all stock at least to levels
that can produce the maximum sustainable yield, with the aim of
achieving this goal in the shortest time feasible as determined by
their biological characteristics. Where overfishing is occurring, take
immediate action to adopt science based management plans
reducing or suspending fishing catch and effort that commensurate
with the status of the stock to ensure that by 2020 overfishing has
e) Take immediate action to, in accordance with relevant
commitments, including those made in the JPOI and TFWW (The
Future We Want) to eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU)
fishing and destructive fishing practices
f) by 2020 establish Marine Protected Areas, in accordance with best
available science and consistent with existing commitments
g) by 2020, eliminate fishing subsidies which contribute to overcapacity
and overfishing
We would suggest the inclusion of the following targets;
o By 2030, improve equity and access to fisheries and markets by,
subsistence, small-scale and artisanal fishers and women fishers, as well
as indigenous people in developing States, particularly small island
developing States
o By 2030, increase by [x%] support for sustainable tourism activities,
including through microcredit initiatives for the poor, indigenous peoples
and local communities in areas with high eco-tourism potential, and
relevant capacity building in developing countries.

2 On means of implementation allow me to highlight some key points for
Provide the technical, technological and financial support to develop and
enhance human and institutional capacities including investment in the following
o Monitoring and predicting coral bleaching events and improve strategies to
protect and conserve coral reef ecosystems.
o Ensuring a global network to monitor ocean acidification
o Enhance and implement the regime for monitoring, control and surveillance
of fishing vessels in the efforts to eradicate IUU fishing
o Enhance participation of developing countries especially SIDS in marine and
fisheries-related opportunities, so as to enable them to receive greater
benefits from sustainable fisheries, to develop their own fisheries, and to
improve their market access
o Support developing countries’ in particular SIDS in marine scientific and
technological capacity, including through the establishment of dedicated
regional oceanographic centers with support from the UN system and
relevant regional organizations.
Regional and global programs are in particular relevant for understanding,
assessing and monitoring global ocean stressors, as well as provide adequate
forecasts and projections of global changes.
I thank you.

Sub Topic: SDGs

Forum: GA

Meeting: 12th Session of the UN Open Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals
