Statement by AOSIS to closing SBSTA Plenary in Paris at COP21

2015-12-15 Maldives on behalf of AOSIS Download PDF

Topic: Climate

Good morning Madam Chairperson and distinguished delegates. I have the honour of
delivering this statement on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States, a group of 44
countries most vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change.
Madam Chairperson, limiting the global rise in temperature to 1.5 degrees is a life or death
matter for our most vulnerable members and therefore impacts every area of these
The recent findings of the Structured Expert Dialogue (SED) factual report on the science
behind a long-term goal includes clear support of the 1.5°C long-term global goal:
The report shows that a goal of limiting the average global temperature increase to
2°C offers inadequate protection (and is an inadequate “guardrail”).
The SED report represents increasing recognition within the UNFCCC process of the
growing scientific evidence that indicates that the 2°C goal is inadequate.
These findings are a key input in the 2013-2015 Review, a formal process set up by the COP
to determine the adequacy of the long-term global goal, and overall progress made towards
achieving that goal. The Review has to conclude its work at COP21.
We are dismayed that the actions of a few countries are preventing any outcome from going
to the COP. This is unacceptable. The Parties in this room, and the world at large, deserve
better from this process. The world deserves to know and understand the dangers and
risks that are coming our way if we fail to limit warming to below 1.5 degrees. No outcome
from the Review is NOT AN OPTION.
We wish to make clear that this issue is not closed, and that all of the inputs and outputs of
the process must be forwarded to the COP for further consideration. Given the 2013-2015
Review was an issue at the heart of what was agreed in Cancun, and was then listed
specifically in Durban as a necessary input that must be taken into account in the work of
the ADP, we quite simply have no option but to forward the work on the Review to the COP
for consideration by Ministers.
As we stated in our opening statement, the work under agenda item 10(a) has been critical
to gaining a common understanding of key concepts and key terminology around climate
finance. We welcome the decision on adjustments in the reporting parameters of the
common tabular format. We consider that there is still more work to be done to better
clarify definitional issues within the context of the CTF.
Thank you.

Sub Topic: Cross-cutting


Meeting: SB43
